Creating a Stop Smoking Timeline

When a lot of people decide to quit smoking, they don't bother setting themselves a stop smoking timeline. They just either stop suddenly or slowly cut down aiming towards some undefined date in the future.

Where it is very good to quit smoking, it is crucial that you do everything you can to maximize your probability of success. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance and it is too easy to start giving yourself excuses for not really becoming a non smoker.

With a quit smoking timeline, you maximize your chances of succeeding stopping smoking because you have a clear date that you are going to be a non smoker by. You also will have defined a number of milestones or mini goals along your timeline.

These milestones will help you to achieve your stopping smoking goal because you will know where you need to be and when you need to be there, with respect to quitting smoking.

Your first step in setting your stop smoking timeline is to come to a decision when you want to stop by. This may be an event you are attending such as a wedding, party or other activity, or it could be a date that you have picked to stop by.

Whatever the date you pick, it needs to be a practical one. Some people suddenly quit, whereas others need some time to reduce their dependence on Nicotine. You know which type you are. For most people, the steady reduction in the amount they smoke is easiest as it is less stressful on their body.

Once you have picked your date and are happy it is a realistic one then you need to set your milestones along the way.

These are dates when you will have cut down the amount you are smoking by.

An example of a stop smoking timeline is you decide you are going be a non smoker from 31st December, 3 months from now. At the end of October you will down to 1 packet a day. At the end of November you will be down to half a packet a day, and on the end of December you will have stopped smoking.

A stop smoking timeline works well if you have someone who is either becoming a non smoker with you or someone who will help you quit smoking. The aim of the game is this person ensures you stick to your quit smoking timeline and makes sure you achieve each of your quit smoking milestones.

Each time you get to a milestones successfully, you reward yourself, and not by smoking. You give yourself something you really crave. If you fail to reach a milestones you may want to carry out a forfeit such as giving something away, doing some charitable work or something else so that other people benefit.

Many people who want to stop smoking do not set themselves this quit smoking timeline and because of that they are giving themselves the option of failure. By setting yourself a stop smoking timeline you will be in a better position not only to quit, but to stay a non smoker.

Quit Smoking - Prepare to Succeed

For many smokers the desire to quit smoking is strong…yet
it seems no matter what they do, they just can’t seem to
break this devastating habit. The inability to quit
smoking causes many to privately belittle themselves and
curse their seeming weakness.

For others it seems they simply wake up one morning and
decide to quit smoking. What makes the difference in these
people? Is someone who decides to quit smoking like this a
stronger person than the one who has yet to become a
non-smoker? Let’s evaluate.

First off, most people even smokers don’t really enjoy
smoking. For some the nicotine addiction is strong.
Nicotine is very addictive, and breaking this addiction by
not smoking can be very trying and difficult. Even after
months have passed, there are those who will start smoking
again. So, if you’re one who has yet to quit smoking don’t
berate or belittle yourself.

By the same token, don’t give up on the idea to quit
smoking. Yes, nicotine is addictive, but it is an
addiction that can be broken. There are several aids
available to help you quit smoking. There’s gum, there’s
patches, and there’s even inhalers containing nicotine,
that will gradually help you wean yourself from the
addiction as you quit smoking. All of these aids do have

One component is mandatory if any of these aids are to work
for the person that has previously tried to quit smoking
and failed. This component is your attitude. Before you
even begin the actual process to quit smoking, you will
most likely need some adjustments in your attitude. If you
prepare yourself before you actually quit smoking, your
chances for success are much better.

The way to begin to prepare yourself is to come to certain
realizations. First off, you can’t quit just because
someone told you it is bad for your health. You can’t
quit because your significant other wants you to quit
smoking. Most likely fear is not a good motivator for you
either. You’ve developed a strong will to continue, even
though you berate yourself for it.

Thus, for you the decision to quit smoking must be
accompanied by a will that is just as strong, if not
stronger than your current will to quit smoking. Many
processes and plans have been developed by different
organizations to aid you in this process.

Most will tell you to set a quit date at least 10 days out,
and don’t actually stop smoking until your quit date. It’s
also advised that “cold turkey” is the most successful quit
path. During those days before your actual quit smoking
target date, you are mentally preparing yourself to be free
from smoking. This must be a strong decision that only you
can make for yourself. No one else can do it for you.

To lead you to the strength you need to effectively quit
smoking, you’ll need to evaluate yourself and the real
reasons behind why you are still smoking. This is not an
easy task for many, but once they’ve listed all the true
reasons, and have adopted the mental attitude to replace
smoking with other things that will provide better
benefits, the task of quitting becomes much easier.

Once your quit smoking date arrives, you may want to use
some of the aids discussed above to improve your success
rate. The point is that if you’ve properly done your
preparation beforehand your opportunity for success will be
greatly improved. Remember, the mind and body thrive and
accommodate whatever substance you give it. Be sure to
feed both the mind and body only positive substance and the
results will be positive. You can quit smoking.