Tips on Quitting Smoking - How to Survive the Crucial First Few Days

Tips on quitting smoking seldom focus on the vital first few days but they should. As in most important ventures, the early days are the riskiest. After all, these are uncharted waters with many sharks lurking nearby.

The biggest and most dangerous shark is that of physical withdrawal symptoms. These range from mild feelings of unease and cravings to extreme agitation. You need to make sure you have some remedies on hand. These can range from breathing exercises to herbal mixtures to physical routines. Just be aware that these unpleasant feelings will go away.

Another shark is the tendency of your mind to play tricks on you. As nicotine leaves your body your mind will do its hardest to get you to light up. These mental tricks include telling you that you deserve just one cigarette. Don't fall for this one as one cigarette is all its takes to get you hooked again.

Then there's the social factor. If you're used to standing outside building with you fellow smokers and telling each other how great you are for being the last of a dying breed of outlaws, you may miss this camaraderie. This will add to the feeling of emptiness that smokers feel in the early days. Rest assured, it will go away.

Never forget that tobacco addiction consists of both the physical addiction to nicotine and also what might be called the habit factor. This includes the way the mind associates lighting a cigarette and inhaling the smoke with pleasure and also with certain situations both social and as part of your daily life. Again this will fade. The conventional wisdom is that habits are learned in 21 days. So hold on and in three weeks, you'll be an ex-smoker.

All this means you must be especially vigilant during these early days of freedom from cigarettes. One way to make sure you're prepared is to have a system in place to handle both the physical and mental obstacles to your success in quitting smoking.

The perfect quit smoking system includes remedies to handle the physical discomfort of nicotine withdrawal, some ways to relax and take your mind off smoking and also some social support whether from family or friends or from a support group either local or online.

So the best tip on quitting smoking once you've made the decision to quit smoking and make your life immeasurably better is to find the quit smoking system that works for you and get started today.


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